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The site of sculptor Kolya Kushnir

Kairos, god of the “fleeting moment”

Kairos, god of the "fleeting moment”
Kairos personifies a favorable opportunity opposing the fate of man. He wears a long forelock on the forehead and sandals of Hermes. So if you don’t possess substantial promptitude and diligence to grasp such a moment by the tuft of hair, the moment is gone and can not be re-captured. This representation of Kairos calls attention to some gay moments.
"Who and whence was the sculptor? From St. Petersburg.
And his name? Kolya Kushnir.
And who are you? Time who subdues all things.
Why do you stand on tip-toe? I am ever rotating.
And why you have a pair of wings on your feet? I fly with the wind.
And why does your hair hang over your face? For him who meets me to take me by the forelock.
And why, in Heaven's name, is the back of your head bald? Because none whom I have once raced by on my winged feet will now, though he wishes it sore, take hold of me from behind.
Why did the artist fashion you? For your sake, stranger.